Renewed For Season Two

This blog began as a look at South Jersey historic locations. I would go visit and then review them the way I would talk about an episode of reality tv show. I began this project in college as a semester long assignment for a journalism class. I assumed the site would end with the class, but dabbled with the idea of continuing it. I posted a final post ending the first season of the blog and said “see you soon” but time got lost and “soon” didn’t come very quickly. Merriam-Webster defines soon as “in a prompt manner”, but I’m gonna re-define soon with my own definition. So now were here and “soon” has come.

Going forward Historic Realty is going broad. Not to Europe, were not Emily in Paris-ing it, but I’m expanding the scope on our historic lens. When I began the blog, my professor told me to hone my blog in on a very specific topic, which I was against. Originally I was going to look at historic sites across the whole tri-state area. I wanted to get into some great Philadelphia spots, but no I had to tighten the focus so I went with South Jersey. Well be looking at history across the board.

One of the biggest game changers that occurred during the first run of this blog was my interview with Dr Sarah Hughes. We talked about her article, American Monsters: Tabloid Media and the Satanic Panic, 1970–2000 and had a great time doing it. It melded together so many things I loved from history to juicy court cases and tragic and iconic day time talk shows. The first shortened form of the interview garnered a couple hundred views, way more than I had ever had before. So of course I released the full 20+ minute interview which again saw such a great surge in views. To this day after years, that post still gets views almost daily.

It has always stuck in my head as such a great time, so from there I see the future of Historic Reality. A new reality… Okay calm down, Thanos. I now see a more clear path ahead for this blog which is basically the opposite of what my journalism professor told me years ago. He wanted us to hone in on a specific beat, but I want to have fun and let this blog be anything I want.

I ended season one with a quote from the icon herself, Gossip Girl. So its only fair to start season two the same…

“Sometimes you need to step outside, clear your head and remind yourself of who you are. And where you wanna be. And sometimes you have to venture outside your world in order to find yourself. As for me, I’m happy right where I am. I only wanna be with you. xoxo”